Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Radio Paradise - Gotta Love It

...and I do. Wahwer loves her some Radio Paradise.

Over the past four months I have had the unique pleasure of having an office all to myself. And while some of those who know me best might say-- but you're such a social butterfly-- how can you stand the isolation? In many ways this is true. I enjoy other people's company, and at times find myself seeking out their company. But as I've mentioned in an earlier post, I also have a strong-willed introvert living in my psyche, and she ADORES being able to shut my office door and thereby blocking out pesky people who would otherwise destract her...

But whether I'm working en masse or solo, I like to have tunes playing in the background. I find local radio too distracting-- between annoying commercials and heavy song rotation, I get more frustration than pleasure. But with web radio I've got a perfect blend. When I began this post Bob Marley's Redemption Song was playing; now the Beatles are singing Here Comes the Sun. If you haven't already found it, go check out Radio Paradise-- you'll thank me.

As for me, back to the grindstone. More later when the planets align and I have more to say.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Top 10 Reasons I Love My Neighborhood

1. In the words of a "gentleman" who had walked from behind my garage (where he'd been transacting a drug deal): "You sure could write a book about all the things you see and hear around here-- you sure could!"

2. The fact that no one batted an eye when I dragged my rolled-up living-room carpeting out my front doors at 10PM the other night. One neighbor lady (who sits in front of her house 18-out-of every-24 hours) waved hello, and asked if I'd, "wrapped 'the body' in the carpet" or was I merely removing DNA evidence?

3. The prostitute who has been working in front of the building across the alley from my place (after she and her dealer boyfriend got evicted across the street) seems to have sought treatment for her chronic cough. Why do I know this? Because Sunday night 2 weeks ago she stood outside coughing and soliciting from 10:30PM-1AM, and coughed like a harp seal the whole time. I didn't know whether she actually sought medical treatment or if the TB has abated, but I'm glad to know she's on the mend. Unbridled coughing & heightened gag reflex would be a negative thing when trying to make a living giving BJ's...

4. The dealer (long-time boyfriend of the hacking hooker) kindly ran over and offered to help when he saw me attempting to move a large recliner into another neighbor's apartment building (my helper was an unmotivated 14-year-old boy who is NOT used to moving heavy things). While Eddy (dealer) helped the teen carry the chair up the flight of stairs, the hooker (Chrissy) asked me if I knew the building's landlord/owner (I do, but said NO). The reason she asked was because the 1st floor apartment became vacant this past week & I know she and her old man would KILL to get another primo location where they could stand in front of their building 24/7 yet not be accused of loitering).

5. The reason the apartment became vacant is because the former tenant had the sad habit of partying until reaching obliteration-- at which point people (read here: drug using / dealing associates & fellow drunks including Eddy & Chrissy) would wander in because they knew Carl was passed out and "wouldn't give a shit" if they flopped there...

6. Have I ever mentioned how much the name "Carl!" sounds like "Wahwer!" when slurred drunkenly and at full volume at 4:30AM? The hollering was usually accompanied by beating on Carl's doors & windows, followed by swearing and more hollering when they couldn't get Carl's drunk ass up to let them in... I'm going to miss the heart-pounding adrenalin surges that would then keep me awake for an hour after I had jumped up from a sound sleep to run to my window thinking someone was in trouble and calling my name.

7. On Saturday I made the mistake of mentioning (out loud) to a neighbor that I hadn't heard gunfire in the area for some time. Yesterday morning, as I drank coffee and read the Sunday paper, I heard 4 distinct gun shots echoing through the surrounding valley. When I noted the observation to the same neighbor later that afternoon, he said, "Guess someone didn't like the outcome of their Easter egg hunt."

8. Cats. Lots & lots of cats. Stray cats who like to take big steamy craps in my garden.

9. Good neighbors who generously share when they make "too much Sunday dinner" and need to unload barbecued spare ribs and mashed potatoes on you so it "don't go to waste."

10. No need for cable t.v.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Mission Quite Possible

Don't ask me why, but this picture had me giggling and snorting for an inordinately long time this morning.

Possibly because my inner Mother Superior can relate to the longsuffering look of patience on her face. Maybe it's the simple fact that her cross could easily double for a stiletto-- in a heartbeat she could go from ministering agent to mercenery killer-for hire. Her whimple hides a wicked Blue Tooth setup that sends her detailed instructions on how to locate and eliminate her prey.

"Alright, Mother... turn right as you exit St. Peregrine's and head south on McWhorter. There you will see a young woman seated at an outdoor cafe. She'll be wearing a straw hat."

I also enjoyed this picture by the same artist.

It gave me several different ideas as well... one, that this is symbolic of the way many women feel-- as long as I focus on the face in the mirror I can ignore the bits that aren't visible. Or maybe it means that the rest isn't really important-- and is still beautiful in the eye of the artist. Regardless, the little kitten-heel sandals are a hoot.

Wander over and check out some more of Botero's work for some wonderful perspectives.

FYI: New computer's SUPPOSED to arrive tomorrow-- Where have I hear THAT before??

Monday, April 03, 2006

Urine My Thoughts & Prayers

Got this as an e-mail...

Men's Restroom Mural

Edge Designs is an all women run company that designs interior office space. They had a recent opportunity to do an office project in NYC. The client allowed the women of this company a free hand in all design aspects. The client was a company that was also run by all women execs.

The result ... well ... we all know that men never talk ... never look at each other ... and never laugh much in the restroom. The men's room is a serious and quiet place.

But now with the addition of one mural on the wall ... lets just say the men's restroom is a place of laughter and smiles ...