Monday, April 10, 2006

Mission Quite Possible

Don't ask me why, but this picture had me giggling and snorting for an inordinately long time this morning.

Possibly because my inner Mother Superior can relate to the longsuffering look of patience on her face. Maybe it's the simple fact that her cross could easily double for a stiletto-- in a heartbeat she could go from ministering agent to mercenery killer-for hire. Her whimple hides a wicked Blue Tooth setup that sends her detailed instructions on how to locate and eliminate her prey.

"Alright, Mother... turn right as you exit St. Peregrine's and head south on McWhorter. There you will see a young woman seated at an outdoor cafe. She'll be wearing a straw hat."

I also enjoyed this picture by the same artist.

It gave me several different ideas as well... one, that this is symbolic of the way many women feel-- as long as I focus on the face in the mirror I can ignore the bits that aren't visible. Or maybe it means that the rest isn't really important-- and is still beautiful in the eye of the artist. Regardless, the little kitten-heel sandals are a hoot.

Wander over and check out some more of Botero's work for some wonderful perspectives.

FYI: New computer's SUPPOSED to arrive tomorrow-- Where have I hear THAT before??


At 2:17 PM, Blogger Jay said...

Thanks for sharing those - I love that big tushie!

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Hey don't look at me with those eyes ya know, hey when I say I'll send stuff I send it, okay It may take me sometime but It gets there I never say it will be there next week unless it will be there next week *giggles*
Those pics did raise a giggle or 2 with me I must admit.

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Melonie said...

I don't remember posing for the last picture but that resembles my behind as of late!

At 9:13 AM, Blogger aughra said...

I'm going to be giggling all day thinking about the nun assassin.


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