Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Nuts to the Squirrels...

... and squirrels to the nuts (or the Gophers).

Per our promise to send him some of these obnoxious, un-healthy sugar-bombs to celebrate his birthday Monday (you were supposed to send an address, young man), this is the best I could manage.

I referenced Circus Peanuts in an earlier post, and mentioned that they were quite possibly the lowest members of the candy food chain, offering ZERO nutritional value and a guaranteed sugar buzz that will send the sensitive into lift-off. They are a perennial favorite in my family-- one of those unexplained addictions that are embrrasing to admit to but are legal to consume. Much like marshmallow Peeps (which come in yellow, pink, blue, purple and white), they are a strange aberration of the food pyramid.

So, I present: Circus Peanuts
If they don't have such creatures in Scotland let Mel and I know-- we'll send you a packet of them so that your life will be complete.


At 12:17 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Um . . .I live in Texas and I don't know what Circus peanuts are! What sort of delectable treat am I missing?

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Melonie said...

Heather, you don't know what circus peanuts are? You are deprived.

At 10:22 AM, Blogger Laura said...

They are members of the marshmallow family. They're usually sold in the "bagged" candy section. I can't really compare them to any other candy. When I Googled them I saw them individually wrapped, but I've only ever seen them sold bulk by the bag.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Excuse me Young Lady but someone has my address, ask Melonie she has it, don't you! Hmm what's that sound is it the sound of "OMG I do" tick....

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Ohhhh! NOW I know what they are! It's been ages since I have had one! Yes, Gopher definitely must try them!


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