Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Cause She's Got... Multiple Personalities

Alright... too damn much cuteness for me (or most folks) to stomach. I opened my blog today and saw Elmo on my profile & the baby duckling picture heading the last post and nearly hurled on my keyboard.

Who AM I (today)?
I still can't decide if I'm a hard-ass with a soft-side, or a marshmallow with a well-defined bitch mode. I'm good with children of all ages, but I'm the first to admit my patience as capricious. I've sung in the church choir, yet I can swear like a sailor when motivated (all too often). Maybe I simply have multiple personalities (my mother could have confirmed this a lo-o-o-o-ong time ago).

According to my last Myers-Briggs personality test results, 3 of 4 letters came out with a 50 / 50 response. After further decisive questions I concluded that I was most like the ENFJ-type, but I still have some grey areas. When some folks take the tests they get a clear-cut result-- not so for moi... Many years ago my brother did his junior research paper on the Myers-Briggs testing, and so my entire family was subjected to endless discussions of how dead on the personality descriptions were. He liked nothing better than to look around at family, neighbors and even strangers to determine where the people fell on the scale. My brother, a classic INTP, indulged (to his little introverted heart's content) in rampant intrusiveness, all in the name of science. And he gloried in the fact that MY results (back then) were exactly opposite of his, further proving his opinion that I was actually a fairy changeling that had been left on my parents' doorstep years before.*

*NOTE: Even though we are 4-years apart in age and opposing genders, some misguided souls have asked us if we're twins because we have such a strong resemblance. Poor kid just never got over getting displaced from only-child status to being "the eldest."

Personality (or a Lack Thereof)
I've always struggled to understand people who have one-dimensional personalities. Which sounds like an oxymoron because it would seem simpler to understand a direct, uncomplicated type than a mutli-faceted onion-esque soul who defies comprehension. Maybe what I mean to say is that the simple sort don't challenge me enough to make comprehension seem like a good use of my time. It's the complicated ones that capture (and keep) my attention.**

**NOTE: I thought about delving into a lovely discourse on the difference between the striking simplicity of black & white images vs color at this point. But as I'm a hopeless fan of both Ansel Adams & film noir cinema, I felt the metaphor might get muddled. You'll survive without it, I'm a'thinking.

Most of my personality traits are up for debate. But from my vantage point I think that makes me all the more interesting as a test case (egotistical brat that I am). You be the judge. It's up to you to decide if my personality is worthy of scrutiny.


At 1:15 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Sorry you lost me somewhere in the middle of the post, what was the question again?

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Laura said...

My apologies... this was one of my rambling discourses. Part of the beauty of publicly shared journals-- the writer is often the only one with a clear understanding of what the heck you meant when you were typing (alas, a sign of sloppy writing).

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Hmm I need to go look up them "tests" I'll probably get something real quirky - oh wait i think I did once...
Hey don't me, ramble on, you forget the title of my blog although I don't actually often ramble on it.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Multiple Personalities iz da fa-shizal!!!!

PS: is mel slabough calling you fat??!?!

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Another proud moment,I think my Blog virginity just went flying out the window... The shamelsss self - promotion angle of going to other folks blogs and leaving comments in an attempt to sell stuff is sad, my friends. I've seen it done on other Blogs, but this was my "first time"...

I could understand if my Blog was titled "Fat Chicks Unite" or "Holy Rollers Unite"-- then I could see Blog-retailers stumbling onto me and trying to proselytize. Even if the subject of this post was remotely related to either subject, I would understand the hit.

FYI: I knew when I used the word "Queen" in the name I'd probably have folks strolling by who searched on that word alone. That's all good- Queens of all descriptions are welcome. If you still want to read on after you get here, even better!

And sure, I've visited other sites that I thought were well-written and VAINLY wanted to leave a message so that the brilliant writer would want to wander back to read MY brilliant ramblings.

But I didn't.

My apologies if the comments were left in earnest, but my finely-honed B.S.-meter spiked and I felt I should make my feelings known (this being my own blog and everything).

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Melonie said...

What the hell? I leave the blog world for a few days and find that you have been spammed! Fat and in need of a good blog to visit? What the hell is wrong with these morons?

Multiple personalities or not I love you and will not spam your site, today, at least :)

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Melonie said...

I am sorry you are fat and in need of religion according to Linda Johnson and Mel Salbaugh.

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Melonie said...

Oh, I forgot Linda and Mel: Laura is neither of these things, but thanks for your input.


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