Tuesday, October 04, 2005


This tranquil picture is for all of you who are having a less-than-serene week (I know... it's only Tuesday!) Go to your happy place. Things have to get better... they HAVE TO.

The job change I'm looking towards will (God willing) start January 1. The catch? My pay would stay the same for the first 6-month probationary period, then jump some after satisfactory review. Things should be settled by the end of October: (1) whether I get to change job descriptions, (2) the money, (3) WHERE I would be housed. I feel like poor Keiko after "Free Willy"... It was obvious he wasn't happy in Mexico, but they knew it would be nearly impossible to do a thorough integration into a pod from the homelands. The whale without a country. That's me. If I had a dorsal fin it would be listing oddly to one side and I would have fish breath. I just keep telling myself that things could be a hell of a lot worse, and that for every ebb tide there's a corresponding high tide not far behind.


At 2:33 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Im with you on that, I got sent home today from work cos well I must have looked like death warmed up or something.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Oh dear... straight home to bed with a water bottle and a hot toddie.

Can't have you roaming about stealing my orca thunder, now CAN we??

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Melonie said...

Don't worry I am winning the lottery tonight so you can have the life that you wish to become accustomed!


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