Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A Friend Indeed

**Once again, you can blame Sharon for inspiring this entry...

Surfing Blogs has become as much a part of my morning routine as savoring that first cup of coffee. I look forward to it just as much, and find that I just don't get off to as amusing a start when I don't get my AM "fix." I have Melonie to blame for this latest addiction ;-) I had heard of Blogs already, but mother Mel invited me to check out hers-- Insanity Reigns-- and life haven't been the same since. Melonie is one of the most unique women I know, and reading her musings is like a window into her life. Lame metaphor, I know, yet true.

But I digress (you'll notice that this is common concern in my ramblings). This morning I treated myself to today's post from Sharon about her baby boy's birthday, and she happened to mention a Holly Hobbie birthday cake she'd had as a girl. I remembered my own affection for Holly and her friends, and what jarred my memory the most was the name of Holly's friend, Heather. It occurred to me that I'd had a large Heather doll, and only a small Holly. Which then got me thinking about the fact that I'd had several of Barbie's friend's & family (Ken, Skipper, PJ & Christie, Barbie's African-American girlfriend), but Barbie was largely ignored (after her leg fell off and her hair got cut, some of her allure faded). So I asked myself, what message was my mom trying to send to me-- that your friends are important? That Barbie and Holly wouldn't have been nearly as successful without their entourage, their posse, if you will? That friends are just as important as the famous folk? Even if this wasn't her plan, I think I learned that the also-rans in this world are just is significant as the stars. Why else would they have a Best Supporting Actor/Actress category at the Academy Awards? Why do Oscar winner chronically thank "my amazing supporting cast" in their acceptance speeches? Because at some point in our lives, each of us gets to stand in the shadow of our friends. And while it may not be where we want to be, sometimes it's the RIGHT place to be.

Of course, the jaded part of me says, "Yeah, it's also the way Mattel milks a successful product for every penny by adding additional characters!!" But I'd rather take the reminder that even though we sometimes get to be a Holly, more often we're a Heather. So to all the Heathers and PJ's in this world, here's to you.


At 6:58 AM, Blogger Sharon said...

Awww! I love this post. Thanks for the mention!

Hey, I had no Holly Hobbie dolls at all. I think my mother was telling me to suck it up and wear a helmet. I got Holly only as a cake -- and then everyone ate her. Years of therapy.

I love the Holly Hobbie collection, though, even now. So quaint. That site I linked to brought so many memories back, just as it did for you -- I sat there going, awww! I want one of those! Right now!

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Heather said...

My mom tried to get me to play with Barbies because she had loved it so much as a child. I had no interest. I really liked riding in my friend's Barbie convertible though!

I saw your comment on Sharon's blog and thought I'd wander over a leave a comment ;-) It's not the first time I've done that, though.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Laura said...

I was the same about the Barbies. Except for changing their outfits or fooling with their hair, mine were largely ignored until friends came over who wanted to "play Barbies"...

I always felt like the biggest moron doing imaginary play as I child (dolls, "school", etc). I waited until I started having adult relationships before I got comfortable with it ;-)

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Melonie said...

Aren't you sweet! See I have been so busy I didn't know you mentioned me.

Barbie, who is Barbie? I want to talk about Ken.

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Laura said...

As IF you need to ask "Who's Barbie???"

I'm just little flat-footed Skipper. Or maybe I'm Christie, living in Da Hood as I do...


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