Thursday, August 18, 2005

Wahwer in Da Hood

I saw this picture and was immediately reminded of a comparison between me (lil yellow peep) and the majority of my neighbors (black peeps on the wall). When I first moved to my Hood 3 years ago, NONE of my neighbors (white OR black) spoke with me for the first 6 months. Eventually, two different neighbors (one white / one black, both male) told me to watch my back because I came across as "too friendly" and that people didn't trust me (I later learned most folks thought I was some kind of police CI, imbedded to learn about dealings in Da Hood). As IF!
Now, after 3+ years, I recognize a large number of neighbors on sight, and many actually stop and chat when they see me sitting on my porch in the evenings. The peep made me see how I might have come across to my neighbors: honest eager, yet alien from anything they were used to seeing!


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

oh you da white chic in da hood huh.. Man god knows what they'd make of me then man, they'd think I was "far out" if they be white and god knows what them black folks would think of this pale skinned, no actually white, any paler and I would be white literally. Guess you learned to just kick back and relax.
All I can say is this "Walk this way, Talk this way!" Sorry I'm listening to Areosmith Vs Run DMC atm :D


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