Wednesday, July 27, 2005

"I KNEW they could do this!!!"

I swore that this was NOT going to become a "Cat-a-Blog" about my pwecious 'ittle kitties... But for those of you who are also "owned" by one or more cats & might appreciate this image, I humbly submit this pic. Harpo and Milo are getting along famously (better than I could have ever hoped), but Milo has also developed the habit of taking at least one massive, steamy crap in my living room each day. I can't pinpoint a particular time of day-- he's done it in the night, between my morning departure and noon, between noon and 5, and again in the evening. Never more than once a day, and not every day, but just when you think he's stopped, the phantom crapper strikes again. Ironically, the cat in this pic is a dead ringer for Milo. Any suggestions on how to curb the kitty ca-ca problem? Any wisdom would be appreciated. Cause if this cat poo problem doesn't stop, he may have to find another place to park his happy ass.


At 11:19 PM, Blogger Melonie said...

Oh, dear God you need a date!

I can see us living next to each other in our "Golden Girl" years and you will have a house full of cats and I will have a house full of dogs. Friends and family will watch us on Animal Planet's Animal Cops West Virginia.

Come to think of it maybe I need a date also!

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Laura said...


I see some heavy duty animal collecting on our collective horizon.

Of course, it could be worse... you could be crazy Auntie Mel who collects INVISIBLE cats ;-)

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Melonie said...

Hey regarding the cat poo--Put the litterpan in the middle of the living room and slowly move it. If that doesn't work I will send Zeus over to straighten Milo's problem out for you.

*Hera and Thor are giving each other that particular gesture through the livingroom window at this moment :)

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

Oh how funny.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Moogie said...


No helpful tips here. I'm a dog person. Well, dog and fish...and perhaps hamster if the snake doesn't get him first.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Well, I moved the litterbox into the livingroom on Saturday, and there hasn't been an "oops" since then-- of the fecal kind. I strongly suspect, however, that he's taken a whiz or three "out of the box". Hard to see, as the livingroom carpeting is a tri-color GOLD carpeting-- making wet spots nearly impossible to detect. But my offended olfactory is suspicious...

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Melonie said...

I have an idea shoot the cat!

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Hmm there is stuff you can get, a spray, it kills the ammonia in the "mess" and stops them returning..
Hmm not shoot cat, that nasty..
Let me think on that one or should I say Google is your friend ;)

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Thanks folks... if the cat weren't so damned cute he'd be a doorstop by now.


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