Thursday, October 05, 2006

Consider this a Warning Shot...

... fired lovingly across the starboard bow.

If I had had access to this blog anytime early this morning, I would have rattled off a searing post the likes of which has not been seen on Clumny Queens Unite to-date... I may yet adjust my scope and aim more carefully at the object(s) of ire.

For now, I only ask that you, the reader, visit this site & give a few opinions:

National Civil War Memorial

One of my projects in the coming 90 days is to re-vamp the site's appearance & content. I understand that in all liklihood few if ANY of you give a rat's furry fart-hole about the creation of such a memorial. But it IS underway, and if the commission developing it wants it to progress, we have to do some aggressive marketing in the afore mentioned 90+ days. In my defense, this site was developed PRIOR to my becoming involved in the project, so any defficiencies you detect are NOT my doing. Simply look at if from the perspective of someone who IS passionately interested in the project. I am working on a FAQ's section, which will address that need.

Thanks in advance for your input!!


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

I does look okay, just needs a bit of a touch up here and there... Im sure you'll cope.

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I am creatively challenged and thus no help with web site design.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Melonie said...

I thought I had already commmented here...maybe I just called.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Heather all good web site design comes from an idea a concept turning that into something people can see that's the design part of it :) So you can help see, melonie can too, I can just sit here and look cute *blushes* and maybe throw in the odd bit of code here and there..


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