Thursday, March 16, 2006

Stay Away from Me Lucky Charms!

I had one hell of a great day yesterday, and I thought I would share.

On my way to work I stopped through the old office to chat with boss-man briefly. He gave me a big smirk and told me he had "news" to share. The first bit was that I am FINALLY GOING TO GET A NEW COMPUTER!!!!!! It is supposed (barring the computer guy forgetting where we work again and delivering the machines to the Ice plant down the street) to arrive some time next week. This news is great because 1) I can start working from my new office again instead of taking up space in another generous office, and 2) I can get back to regular blogging-- yay!!!

The second bit of good news was that one of the widgets I used to work with has FINALLY resigned after almost 7 years there (6 years, eleven months and 29 days too late, if ya follow). Her brand of mental midgetry is pretty damn special if I do say so...

Third great thing when I received the gift certificate for two four-day passes to Jamboree in the HIlls-- marketed as "The Super Bowl of Country Music". Now, even if you're NOT country music fans, let me mention that it's held in an outdoor venue in July-- meaning 80,000 men and women of all description wearing as little as possible & drinking as MUCH as possible for the 3 days leading up to the event, the 4 days of, and as long as it takes to pack up and leave the festival site afterwards. I've always wanted to go, but never had a group of associates to attend with-- it ain't the sort of thing a good girl attends without backup, a-ight? You might be seeing pictures posted from the event of Mother Melonie and Wahwer wearing our skimpiest Daisy Dukes & tube tops, carrying beer in coozies and wearing really sassy cowgirl hats (see image above). Um, yeah...

Anyhow, it was a doozie of a day-- and all of this good news came before 9:30 in the morning. Woo-HOOOO!


At 7:16 PM, Blogger Melonie said...

You are getting a new computer and I FIXED mine! It is truly a wonderful day!

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Beyond Cool..

At 7:57 PM, Blogger aughra said...

Congratulations on your good day.

At 12:26 AM, Blogger Heather said...

I don't believe you that you will get a picture of Melonie posted. She shuns cameras. I am convinced she is a vampire and she wouldn't show up on film. Either that or she is a Mennonite and fears that the camera will take a piece of her soul. Or she just really likes making me beg for a photo.

Ahhhh . . . but I don't have to beg anymore. Ahahahah! (evil cackle) I have friends in high places.

Okay. You'll have to excuse my maniacal raving. It is late and I am tired.


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