Friday, March 03, 2006

Temporary Hiatus

or..... why I might not be posting for a while :-(

Tried to load some new software on my work PC and caused it to go into a complete tailspin. I have a techie person looking at it tomorrow, but it may need a transfusion-- or even downright replacement (if bosses can be convinced). Stay tuned, my faithful readership!

UPDATE: According to Mircha, my Rumanian tech-guy, he's been able to re-install (please, no comments) Windows 98. But for now my six years of documents and images are still floating in space. He's working vigilantly to recover them, so hopefully by sometime next week I'll be back in business again... Mircha was so sweet-- when I told him one of the bosses offered to buy me a new tower if the old one was kaput, he gave me an ornery grin and said, "You want I lie??"
I'll keep you posted.


At 4:56 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Sniff, Sniff keep me informed on how it goes oh and look at the dell website click on "Federal" and go that way choose a machine, remember the specification on it and look at a similar machine (or maybe the same) under small business and tell me they ain't making a mint via the government...
**** HUGS ya ****

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Suzanne said...

oh no! you'll need a support group when you go through detox! Hang tight we'll be right over!


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